Every woman who comes to my studio for a boudoir photo session has her own reason why.
It might be to celebrate an upcoming birthday, anniversary or to capture an especially joyful time in her life. Or it might be to commemorate the end of a cancer battle, reaching a place of healing after a divorce or meeting a weight loss goal.
Whatever your reason, I understand how deeply personal your story is and will honor you where you are.
If you’re exploring the idea of doing the photo shoot but can’t find a reason to justify it, here are nine reasons to help inspire you. I guarantee you’ll see yourself in at least one of them.
See yourself in a different light. We’re wives, moms, girlfriends, employees, daughters, friends…and we often find ourselves feeling stuck in these roles of being everything to everyone. Boudoir photos will show your most authentic, gorgeous self – the way others see you but how you fail to see yourself.
Commemorate your 20s…or 30s…or 40s…or 50s… Every decade of life offers something new to discover about yourself that you’ll want to remember. And there is a special kind of beauty and confidence that only comes with age, so don’t you dare think you’re too old.
Some of my clients do an annual photo session to mark their life’s journey, but for others, this is a once in a lifetime investment. Give yourself this gift.
You need a reason to wear that lingerie you’ve got sitting in a drawer. Just for an afternoon, trade in your yoga pants, your mom uniform, your work clothes for something fun and sexy.
Help yourself heal. You’ve survived whatever struggle or loss life threw at you, and you’re a stronger person for it. Celebrating you and what you’ve been through is an important step in the healing process.
You are perfect now. Not 20 pounds thinner or 10 years younger or three kids less stressed out. Now.
It’s the most personal, intimate gift you can give yourself or your partner, who loves you exactly the way you are.
You will leave my studio feeling empowered, with a new love and appreciation for your body and who you are as a strong woman.
Because you are enough.